COGTA MEC must intervene as ANC illegally invites MMs to EC Lekgotla

Issued by Dr. Vicky Knoetze – DA Shadow MEC for COGTA
03 Feb 2023 in Press Statements

The ANC’s inability to make the distinction between party and state is growing clearer by the day, with the Eastern Cape ANC the latest to blatantly cross the line by inviting Metro and District Municipal Managers to the upcoming ANC PEC lekgotla.

This move once again highlights the shocking abuse of power that the ANC has gotten used to and the extent to which the cancer of cadre deployment has crept into the day-to-day operations of government at all levels. It also raises serious concerns over the impartiality of those on the receiving end of the invitation.

These officials, who are also the accounting officers of the municipalities in question, should be apolitical, and inviting them to take part in a political event is not only highly inappropriate but also, in fact, unlawful!

The Democratic Alliance has written to Eastern Cape COGTA MEC, Zolile Williams, to make him aware of this irregular correspondence and to request his urgent intervention in this regard.

The letter, dated January 28, 2023, was circulated to district and metropolitan municipality Troikas and municipal managers to invite them to the ANC PEC Lekgotla on the 5th and 6th of February 2023 at the East London ICC. It was placed on an ANC letterhead and was signed by Lulama Ngcukayitobi, the ANC’s Eastern Cape Provincial Secretary.

The newly amended Systems Act 3 of 2022 reaffirms the principle of the divide between party and state as it includes several positions to ensure that no municipal employee serves on any decision-making structure of a political party.

Earlier this week, the DA won a ground-breaking court case to expose the complete records of the ANC national cadre deployment committee’s role in the corruption, capture, and collapse of South Africa’s public sector.

It will be concerning if any of the recipients of this letter feature prominently on those records.

The DA will be closely monitoring attendance at the ANC Lekgotla over the weekend and will be keeping a close eye on municipal spending, as municipal funds may not be used for political events.

The DA will continue to fight for an impartial, ethical, and professional public sector where people are appointed on skills and merit, not political affiliation.