DA congratulates Cllr Hattingh Bornman elected as Kouga Mayor

Issued by Yusuf Cassim MPL – DA Eastern Cape Provincial Chairperson
30 Jun 2023 in Press Statements

Today, 30 June 2023, Cllr Hattingh Bornman was elected as the new Executive Mayor of the Kouga Municipality.  Mayor Bornman takes over the reins from Horatio Hendricks, who has been appointed as a DA member in the Eastern Cape Legislature.

The DA congratulates Mayor Bornman, who will build on the good work started by the DA when we took over the Kouga government in 2016.

Mayor Bornman was first elected as a councillor in 2016 and served as the Speaker of council from 2018 to 2022. In January of this year, he was elected as deputy mayor. He has come through the ranks and has proven to be an excellent public representative with a great deal of institutional knowledge.

The DA is in full support of the mayor’s vision to continue to build Kouga as a municipality of opportunity, where all residents can realise their potential and enjoy a high-quality standard of living.

We have full confidence in Mayor Bornman’s ability to lead the municipality and continue to implement the DA’s mandate of clean governance and service delivery.

The DA also wishes to thank Hendricks for the sterling work he did during his tenure in turning the fortunes of the Kouga Municipality around, and we know he will make a great success of his role in the provincial legislature.

When the DA took over government in 2016 Kouga was a broken municipality due to decades of ANC mismanagement and corruption. Since then, the DA has put Kouga on the path to prosperity.

The turnaround was so drastic that in the 2021 ‘out of order index’ compiled by News24 Kouga was rated as the best-run municipality in the Eastern Cape, and in the top 10 nationally.

In Kouga, the public’s money is being prudently spent and services are being delivered. The track record of the DA speaks for itself.