The broken Makana Municipality is on the brink of financial collapse, and the news that one of its biggest economic drivers, Rhodes University in Makhanda, has had to suspend classes due to an extended water outage highlights the reality of a complete failure.
Makhanda residents have been suffering due to a week-long water outage, and this has led to the university suspending classes, students protesting, and schools closing. The situation is untenable as the water outage also impacts local businesses situated in town.
The DA has been informed that the cause of the water outage is the current deadlock between the municipality and its employees regarding the non-payment of overtime.
It is clear that the Municipal Manager does not have the backbone to deal with Makana’s problems. If he can’t get the municipality’s administration back on track, he is part of the problem and needs to go.
I will write to the Premier of the Eastern Cape, Oscar Mabuyane, calling on him to intervene in the deadlock between the two parties under Section 154 of the Constitution.
Under Section 154 the Provincial Government, by Legislative and other measures, must support and strengthen the capacity of municipalities to manage their own affairs, to exercise their power, and to perform their function
The Makana Municipality is a failed state and for this reason the DA has repeatedly asked for Council to be dissolved and for fresh elections to be called to elect a new DA government that will prioritise service delivery and the financial well-being of the municipality.
For too long residents have been suffering due to sewage flowing in pothole-ridden streets piled with refuse, job-shedding and extended water and electricity outages. They cannot also be held to ransom due to a conflict between the municipality and its employees.
What Makana needs is clean governance. Where the DA governs, whether it be at local, provincial or even national level, we ensure that the public purse is respected and budgets and grants are spent on what they were intended for. We also ensure that we employ people who are capable and fit for purpose. The residents of Makana deserve nothing less.